Victoria Jones

Victoria Jones

Teachers College Columbia University, New York, NY
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
International and Comparative Education

Victoria is an educator who has worked with students worldwide, specifically with students who have been forcibly displaced. Through a SITE fellowship and a Fulbright ETA, she taught many students from newcomer and refugee backgrounds in Italy and Colombia from 2017-2019.  She has also served twice as an assistant at the United Nations FAO for the Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic, and has written about issues of statelessness of Dominicans of Haitian descent. In the non-profit space, Victoria co-founded, ELNOR (English Language Network of Refugees), in 2020 to provide online, free language and professional development classes to adults seeking asylum in Europe and the US. The organization has served approximately 700 people and now partners with the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Victoria graduated from Harvard in 2017 with a degree in Government, completed her master’s in International Social and Public Policy at the LSE in 2020, and began her PhD at Teachers College Columbia University in 2022. She is passionate about the power of education and how it can be used to create a more just and equitable world.

Victoria's research in Greece will focus on children’s access to education during the asylum process. Through a qualitative study with parents and NGO workers, she aims to uncover some of the barriers to schooling created by the asylum process at the borders of the EU. As a second part of her doctoral research, Victoria will conduct a study at the US-Mexico border to understand the asylum process and education access as a comparative study between the US and EU.