These programs are flexible, enabling scholars to engage with universities, museums, research institutes, and other organizations focused on education or training Short Visits Make Long Friendships
Fulbright Specialist Program
Overview: The Fulbright Specialist Program offers Greek institutions (including higher education, government, cultural, non-governmental, and public health organizations) a unique opportunity to host distinguished U.S. academics and established professionals for short-term projects lasting between two and six weeks. These experts collaborate on various initiatives, including curriculum and faculty development, institutional assessment, and planning. The program aims to build capacity within Greek institutions while providing U.S. scholars with valuable opportunities to work with their professional counterparts. Ultimately, these collaborations foster enduring connections between individuals and institutions in the U.S. and Greece, strengthening the ties between the two countries.
Fulbright Specialist Program
Preliminary Assessment Form / Host Institutions - Requesting a U.S. Specialist : Prospective Hosts must review program information and proceed to submit the Preliminary Assessment Form. The Fulbright Specialist Program encourages host institutions to customize projects according to their specific needs. However, all projects should have an education or training focus. Due to the short-term nature of the exchange, projects should have well-defined objectives that can be achieved within the Specialist's visit. Past Specialists have contributed to host institutions by delivering seminars and workshops, providing consultancy on faculty or workforce development, developing academic or training curricula and materials, lecturing at the graduate or undergraduate level, and conducting needs assessments or evaluations for programs or institutions. Personal research projects, including clinical medical research or projects involving patient contact, are not eligible for funding under the Fulbright Specialist Program.
It is advisable to apply at least five months in advance of the proposed visit / grant dates. Grants must be completed between October 1 and June 30, avoiding extended holiday periods.
Eligibility requirements The Fulbright Specialist Program is open to qualified U.S. scholars and professionals. For eligibility, requirements and a list of approved fields please visit Fulbright Specialists - Eligibility and Fields
Conditions To participate in the Fulbright Specialist Program, candidates must apply and be placed on a Specialist roster administered by World Learning on behalf of the U.S. Department of State, Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau. Academic institutions and other organizations in Greece are required to consult with Fulbright Greece before making a request for a specialist. The request can be for a named candidate or one who will be identified based on specific criteria provided by the prospective host institution/organization.
As a cost-shared program, the inviting institution/organization is typically expected to assist with the following:
• Accommodation for the Fulbright Specialist • In-country transportation • Meals for the Fulbright Specialist. If the Specialist will be paid directly for the meals, the application should indicate the amount. At the very least, hosts should budget an adequate per diem amount for each day during the Fulbright Specialist program, including weekends. • Airport pick-up and drop-off for the Fulbright Specialist
Fulbright Greece may offer cost-sharing support, but the availability of funds is limited and may impact the overall duration of the grant term.
Host Institutions - Submitting a Proposal for a Fulbright Specialist Project Once Greek higher education institutions or organizations receive clearance from Fulbright Greece, they can submit a Fulbright Specialist project proposal online at:
Benefits for the Fulbright Specialist The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), in collaboration with host institutions abroad, provides full funding for U.S.-based Specialists to participate in Fulbright Specialist projects. The benefits include:
• Round-trip, economy class airfare between the U.S. and the host country • Transit allowance • Daily honorarium of 200 USD • Enrollment in a limited health benefits program • Lodging (covered by the host) • Meals/meal allowance (covered by the host) • In-country transportation, either through monetary or in-kind contributions, throughout the stay in the host country (covered by the host) • Airport pick-up and drop-off for the Fulbright Specialist (arranged by the host) • Fulbright Greece Alumni Network
Fulbright Specialists Share Their Experience
Chris Hamstra, Leadership/Communication
Nicholaos Zahariadis, Political Science/Public Policy
Contact Nicholas Tourides, Educational Advisor/American Program Coordinator
Intercountry Lecturing Awards
Intercountry Lecturing Awards
Overview and Guidelines The Intercountry Travel Grant program provides a valuable opportunity for both Greek host institutions and U.S. Fulbright scholars already in Europe. For Greek institutions, this program enables them to invite U.S. scholars to Greece for short visits lasting up to four days, during which the scholars can engage in activities such as lecturing, consulting, conducting workshops, or participating in evaluation or development projects. These visits offer significant benefits by bringing expertise and different perspectives, enhancing the educational and cultural offerings at the host institutions, and fostering international academic collaborations.
For U.S. scholars, the program expands their professional and cultural experiences beyond their primary Fulbright assignment. It allows them to interact with new academic communities, share their expertise in a different cultural context, and strengthen international academic networks. Fulbright Greece actively supports the Intercountry Lecturing Awards, offering up to three grants per academic year (subject to demand and funding) to facilitate these regional visits.
Greek institutions can check the availability of U.S. scholars and their disciplines for the 2024-2025 academic year through the following link, helping to ensure that the right expertise is brought in to meet their specific needs.
This initiative ultimately promotes professional development and enhances cross-cultural understanding between Greece and the United States.
(A) Grant Benefits for U.S. Fulbright grantees in Greece to lecture in nearby European countries Arrangements will be made jointly by the Fulbright Commission and the host institution in the destination country.
Eligibility Requirements (Criteria) • Receipt of Fulbright grant at the time of application • A letter of invitation from an accredited institution of higher learning outside Greece, providing specific dates and comprehensive details of the proposed research/lecture project, along with information on potential cost-sharing by the host institution.
(B) Grant Benefits for U.S. Fulbright grantees to lecture in Greece • Fulbright Greece will cover round-trip airfare, lodging, and provide a flat amount for local transportation and incidentals.
Eligibility Requirements (Criteria) • Receipt of Fulbright grant at the time of application • A letter of invitation from a recognized institution of higher learning in Greece, specifying dates and comprehensive details of the proposed research/lecture project, along with information on potential cost-sharing by the host institution.
Application Procedure and Deadline There is no specific deadline for applications to this program. Invitations are accepted throughout the academic year, and interested Fulbright grantees can submit their applications, which will be processed and handled on a rolling basis. However, all awards must take place during the regular academic year, between October 1 and June 30. Requests for an Intercountry Lecturing award opportunity require a minimum of two months' advance notice.
Prospective host institutions/organizations without a specific Fulbright scholar in mind can consult the list of U.S. Fulbright scholars currently in Europe. The list, hosted by Fulbright Finland, is searchable by academic discipline and specialization, and includes only U.S. scholars in Fulbright Commission countries in Europe.
Contact Nicholas Tourides, Educational Advisor/American Program Coordinator