Sofia Polychroniadou

Sofia Polychroniadou

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Boston University, Massachusetts
Biomedical Engineering

With five years of undergraduate engineering studies, professional experience at Accenture, and biomedical courses under my belt, I am eager to deepen my understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within biomedical engineering applications. My goal is to apply these disciplines effectively to contribute towards the betterment of societal health and therapeutic innovations. During my undergraduate studies in Chemical Engineering, through bio-related courses and labs, it became clear to me that the expansive field of biomedical engineering serves as the ideal avenue to contribute to therapeutic advancements. Immersing myself in research projects, I authored my first paper, in collaboration with the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, a computational project through which I realized my aptitude for coding. This experience prompted me to pursue my diploma thesis in parallel programming in fluid mechanics, which in turn served as my introduction to the AI world. Recognizing that revolutionizing healthcare through AI is the link between my quantitative background and my passion for medicine, I enrolled in AI courses at Stanford Online and was accepted to participate in an intensive in-person Deep Learning workshop at Télécom Paris Engineering School in France. Beyond academia, I have participated in the L'Oreal "Brandstorm" innovation competition, where my team and I earned first place and represented Greece in the global finals. Now, with the support of the Fulbright program on pursuing my M.S. in Biomedical Engineering at Boston University, my objective is to utilize the insights and connections gained from my time in Boston’s biotech hub and foster collaboration among stakeholders from the global biotech community, thereby contributing to Greece’s advancement in biotech research.