Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Students

For first to third year undergraduate students (up to fourth year for students enrolled in 5-year integrated study program), aged 18 to 25, currently enrolled at a recognized Greek institution of higher education. Given the very limited number of available slots, selected universities and departments will be invited to ensure diversity. For the 2024-2025 academic year, Fulbright Greece accepts recommendations and applications from the following institutions: Athens School of Fine Arts, University of Western Macedonia, University of Patras, University of the Peloponnese, Harokopio University, University of West Attica, International Hellenic University.

October - November 2023
No applications will be accepted beyond November 30, 2023 at 23:59 EET

Photo Credit: Georgios Agoritsis, 2021 Summer Institute on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development at University of Tennessee, Chattanooga