Peter McDONALD | US Fulbright English Teaching Fellow

Field of Study: Mass Media/Speech Communication
Institution in the US: The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Affiliation in Greece: Hellenic American Educational Foundation, Athens College High School

Elizabeth DUCLOS-ORSELLO | US Fulbright Scholar

Field of Research: Area Studies | American Studies and Public Humanities in Greece
Institution in the US: Salem State University, Salem, MA
Affiliation in Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Scott HARRIS | US Fulbright Scholar

Field of Research: Geology | Coastal Paleogeography and Geoarcheology of the Central North Euboean Gulf
Institution in the US: University of Charleston, Charleston, SC
Affiliation in Greece: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Kaitlyn STILES | US Fulbright Graduate Student

Field of Study: Anthropology
Institution in the US: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Affiliation in Greece: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Breiana PLEDGER | US Fulbright English Teaching Fellow

Field of Study: Psychology
Institution in the US: Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA
Affiliation in Greece: Hellenic American Educational Foundation, Athens College Elementary School


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Building Bridges, Promoting Excellence

Meet our 2024-2025 Fulbright Scholarship recipients.
Seventy-three Greek and U.S. students, scholars, researchers, educators and artists were awarded Fulbright scholarships encompassing a diverse range of academic interests and institutions.

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