Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

I hold dual citizenship - Greek and American. Am I eligible to apply for a Fulbright grant?
No. However, Greek citizens who hold dual citizenship with a country other than the United States are eligible to apply.

I do not hold Greek citizenship but I have graduated from a Greek university. Am I eligible to apply for a Fulbright grant?
No. You will need to apply to the Fulbright Foundation in the country of your citizenship.

Under which visa category do persons participate in the Fulbright program?
All Fulbright grantees are required by the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board to travel on exchange visitor "J-1" visas. It is a condition of the visa that, after completion of the program, all scholarship recipients must return to Greece and reside in Greece for two years before being eligible to immigrate to, or apply for permanent residence or a work permit in the United States. Please visit the ECA J1 website for more info:

Can the award be postponed until the following year?
Fulbright awards cannot be deferred to the following academic year. Candidates are obliged to resubmit an application for the scholarship.

Is a person currently studying or conducting research in the United States eligible for a Fulbright grant?
No. Scholars who have already begun their research or teaching activities or who have been physically present in the United States on a J-1 visa for more than 6 of the 12 months preceding the start date of their Fulbright grant are not eligible to apply.

Will receipt of my application and letters of recommendation be acknowledged?
Applicants should check with the Foundation to ensure that all documentation regarding their application has been received.

I have been awarded another grant(s) to study/conduct research in the United States. Am I eligible to apply for a Fulbright grant?
Yes, recipients of other grants are eligible for Fulbright grants. Applicants, however, should check with other foundations or grant sources to learn if any restrictions exist.

Who is on the Fulbright Selection Committee?
The Fulbright Selection Committee comprises of at least four Greek and U.S. experts in the fields of study of the pool of applicants. Committee members are drawn from the Fulbright Foundation Board of Directors, senior academics and accomplished professionals, U.S. Embassy representatives, and Fulbright alumni. The Executive Director of the Fulbright Program in Greece and the Greek Program Coordinator participate in the committee as non-voting members.

How are applicants informed of their nomination status?
Applicants receive an email notification that will either nominate them as a primary or alternate candidate, or that will inform them of their non-selection. A primary candidate can be certain of his/her award and the amount plus benefits will be stipulated in the notification email. The candidate should acknowledge receipt by email and notify whether they accept or reject the terms of the award. An alternate candidate remains on standby until further notification. She/he will be contacted again, usually just after the Easter holidays, following an overall review of the number of scholarships and the available budget for that specific academic year. The Fulbright Foundation may or may not come back with an alternative grant proposal (for instance a partial grant for students, a stipend and/or travel grant for scholars). The candidate should acknowledge receipt by email and notify whether they accept or reject the terms of the award. Alternate candidates who decide that they would rather prefer to reapply in the following academic year do not receive extra credits because of their previous nomination. Due to the large number of applications, only a limited number of candidates will be nominated. Non-selected candidates will not be considered for any grant but they are welcome to reapply in the following year. Non-selected candidates may take advantage of the free advising and counseling services on academic issues at the Fulbright Foundation including information on alternate sources of funding.

Can you tell me why I was not selected?
No, the Foundation respects the anonymity of its selection committee members and the privacy of their decisions. Each year the number of well-qualified applicants exceeds the number of grants available. Final selection and the procedures to achieve this selection are the responsibility of the Fulbright Selection Committee and the Board of Directors of the U.S. Educational Foundation in Greece.

To what disciplines and projects does the Fulbright Foundation offer scholarships?
The Foundation offers scholarships in a variety of disciplines and supports many different research and art projects. To check out a list of scholarships awarded in previous years please refer to Fulbright E-News or the Alumni link.

What kind of expenses should I anticipate?
Usually four types of expenses are considered: 1. any fees the university might charge you (tuition, enrollment fees, course fees ...) 2. the projected monthly living expenses depending on where you will reside 3. any additional insurance cost 4. living expenses for dependents contingent on your study/research location. The Greek Program Coordinator can help you devise an initial budget. Any amount above your received grants/scholarships/university financial aid programs will need to be covered by personal funding and proven before your visa can be issued.

What cover does the limited health and accident insurance provide?
All Fulbright grantees are automatically covered by ASPE, the United States Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs' Accident Sickness Program for Exchanges. Its scope is rather limited - it's mainly for emergency medical care - so participants should plan on getting their health care needs in order before departing. (In other words, your grant period is not the ideal time to plan on having routine dental and doctor's visits.) Participants should bring their eyeglasses and prescription medications with them (although the program can fill prescriptions if needed on an emergency basis). ASPE does not cover pre-existing conditions. ASPE also requires minimal co-payments. You can find more information on ASPE on the Seven Corners website