Faith Simonini

Faith Simonini

University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Elementary Education and English

Faith Simonini graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 2024 with a B.A. in Elementary Education and a minor in English. As a first generation college student, Faith has dedicated her educational practice to ensuring educational equality. She opened a non-profit food pantry with her family when she was 8 years old and has used that eye opening experience to guide her career. During her time in college, she served as the College of Education's Resident Academic Mentor. She acted as an ambassador for educators everywhere, showing incoming freshman what it means to be an educator, and guiding them through a challenging transition. When she is not teaching, Faith is volunteering at her local animal shelter, instructing animal yoga classes. Participants can do yoga with baby bunnies, kittens, and puppies, with all profits benefitting the animals. As a YTT200 certified yoga teacher, Faith wants to make yoga as accessible to the public as possible, hosting free classes at the local library to adults and children alike. As somebody who has never left New England, Faith believes that in order to become the best ESL teacher possible, she must also have an experience of being the cultural other. Fulbright/Athens College-HAEF English Teaching Assistant Award allows Faith to gain the cultural experience necessary in order to become a socially responsible educator. Athens College provides a unique experience with its connection to Forensic League activities. As her state's number one Forensic League debater, Faith is excited to be able to work with the team during her time in Greece.