Michael Tsikerdekis

Michael Tsikerdekis

Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki
Computer Science/Cybersecurity
February – May 2025

Michael Tsikerdekis is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA.  He additionally serves as an IEEE Senior Member and chair of the Public Infrastructure Security Cyber Education System (PISCES) Technical Advisory Committee. Tsikerdekis received a PhD in Informatics from Masaryk University in Brno, Czechia.  His research focuses on online deception and cybersecurity.  Michael has published numerous peer-reviewed papers in top-tier journals, many with undergraduate and graduate student co-authors.

As a Fulbright Scholar, his work aims to initiate the teaching of network security monitoring to students at the University of Macedonia using realistic or real-time data and to study the efficacy of this approach compared to more streamlined lab approaches for teaching the same subject matter.  He will also provide workshops and seminar talks around the field of cybersecurity.