Fulbright at the Presidential Mansion

On April 23, Fulbright scholarship recipients, Fulbright Greece Board Members and staff were invited to the Presidential Mansion in Athens to commemorate the signing of the bilateral treaty between the U.S.A. and Greece.

Researchers' Night 2018

Athens Culture Walk

Association of Fulbright Scholars in Greece

The Association of Fulbright Scholars in Greece has recently revamped under a new banner.

Fulbright Greece and EducationUSA: New Visit Policy

The Fulbright Foundation office has a new visit policy for its educational and advising services.

25th U.S. University Fair in Athens – All About U.S. Studies

25th U.S. University Fair in Athens
October 8, 2019
Join the world's best!

International Education Week

Exchange isn’t a Year in your Life, it is a Life in a Year

Scholarships for Greek Citizens - Academic Year 2019-2020: registration and application periods are now open!

Caroline PALMER | US Fulbright Graduate Student

Peter McDONALD | US Fulbright English Teaching Fellow