Brooke Cannon

Brooke Cannon

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Harokopio University of Athens
M.S. in Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, and Society

Brooke Cannon is a recent graduate of Lehigh University where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE).  Brooke was a member of the Varsity Softball team where she started all four years in the outfield.  In addition to softball, she was the president of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering Chapter at Lehigh, an outreach organization to promote ISE initiatives and engineering applications. Through this, she obtained knowledge about systems around the world, and Brooke will begin a career in sustainable tourism development.

During her Fulbright grant, she will be attending Harokopio University for a Master of Science in Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society.  She is eager to delve into innovative strategies for promoting tourism that benefits both local communities and the environment.  Learning from leading experts in the field and engaging with real-world projects will equip her with the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact in the tourism industry. This experience will enable her to contribute to a more sustainable and responsible global tourism landscape while also exploring Greece’s rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and remarkable culture.